Blog Visiting

This is the busiest time of my conference year other than the conference itself, so I’m afraid my ability to string sentences together is rather impaired at this point. But when I’ve taken breaks, I have managed to read a little of what my favourite bloggers are posting, and some of it’s terrific. You should… Continue reading Blog Visiting

Birthday Reflections

It’s my birthday. Back-to-school and my birthday always fall within a week or so of each other, so inevitably it’s reflection time, goal-setting time, a chance to figure out where I’m on track and where I want to concentrate my efforts on this particular trip around the sun. There are lots of things I wanted… Continue reading Birthday Reflections

People Who Make a Difference

We all have them: those souls who, going about their daily lives, doing the best they can, change ours. Some of you who know me well have heard about this one before, but today, I felt like telling the rest of you about him. When I was a kid, the week before back-to-school meant riding… Continue reading People Who Make a Difference

First Day of School Blues

It’s the first day of school here in BC, and my girl is off to her first hour as a grade seven, king of the heap here, where grade 7 is the last year of elementary school. She’s torn about back-to-school. Excited to see her friends and to be back, but sorry to see summer… Continue reading First Day of School Blues

Chacun son goût

My next door neighbours are a couple in their eighties. They’re the best possible sort of neighbours to have in lots of ways. They’re quiet, friendly, warm, and exactly the sort whose home we happily watch when they’re away and who do the same for us. They’re also interesting people. They’re into everything from helping… Continue reading Chacun son goût

Albums You Haven't Heard Lately

I don’t know about you, but iTunes has certainly changed the way I listen to music at home. In the car, I’m usually a radio girl, so things are much as they’ve always been during drive time, but at home, listening to my own collection, shuffle has become my default setting. It’s different: I never… Continue reading Albums You Haven't Heard Lately

Memorable Reads

Read anything good lately? I’ve been making a bit of a dent in my TBR pile. That’s not to say I haven’t added more to the pile as quickly as (*cough* more quickly than) I’ve taken some out, but still… The past few months of reading have brought a mix from meh to marvellous. Nothing… Continue reading Memorable Reads

Reading Idiosyncrasies

I know people who always have several different books on the go, sometimes one for work, one for the car, one for home… I am not one of those people. When it comes to reading, I’m a serial monogamist, one book at a time.  Reading my one book at a time today, I realized something… Continue reading Reading Idiosyncrasies

On Being In Between

There are so many things that came to mind when I wrote the title for this blog post. I think we spend so much of our lives en route from one place to another, one stage to another, one goal to another, that “in between” is a fairly common state of being for most of… Continue reading On Being In Between

A Mostly Random Collection of Links

It’s a sleepy kind of day here, absolutely pouring rain, cold and grey, more like March than June, even here in the urban rainforest where I live. I’m feeling unproductive, so in a bid to get something useful done, I’m closing some links on my poor, overtaxed computer, the ones I’ve kept open with the intention of… Continue reading A Mostly Random Collection of Links

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