Who are we?

The grey, drippy skies of a West Coast December invite reflection. It’s a time for philosophical discussions over warm beverages and taking personal inventory. At the moment, I’m also mulling bits and pieces of a new novel that have been infiltrating my consciousness. I’m not at the point yet where I can look straight at… Continue reading Who are we?

People Who Make a Difference

We all have them: those souls who, going about their daily lives, doing the best they can, change ours. Some of you who know me well have heard about this one before, but today, I felt like telling the rest of you about him. When I was a kid, the week before back-to-school meant riding… Continue reading People Who Make a Difference

Things that make you throw a book across the room

I recently read a historical romance by a multi-book NYT bestselling author. I won’t name her here, but I’ve read her stuff before and have liked it well enough. This particular book, though, was saved from being thrown across the room only by the fact that I put my back out on Friday, and it… Continue reading Things that make you throw a book across the room

The Great Pen Name Debate

Once upon a time when the world was young and the internet only a gleam in some computer geek’s (or was that Al Gore’s?) eye, writing under a pen name was as simple as, well, writing under a pen name. Not that I know anything about what it was actually like, of course, but it… Continue reading The Great Pen Name Debate

Working and Waiting

So many areas of my life right now are all about waiting. It’s an occupational reality in both my jobs and happens to be the case in my personal life right now, too. The trick, of course, is to keep moving forward instead of getting stuck in the waiting. Some days, that’s easier said than… Continue reading Working and Waiting

25 Things… a most excellent post by Chuck Wendig

I started writing my own New Year’s post today – happy new year, by the way – but got interrupted by life. It’ll get done, but until then, if you’re a writer, especially if you’re one who’s struggling right now, go read this. You may already have seen it, because it’s come to me from… Continue reading 25 Things… a most excellent post by Chuck Wendig

Agents and Underwear

I haven’t talked too much here – or anywhere – about my recent serious effort to find an agent. It’s no secret, but it’s a business thing, and I figure it’s pretty much between me and the agents until something official happens. In the meantime, either someone is going to love my work and want… Continue reading Agents and Underwear

The Winter Sea

Being a writer changes you as a reader. It’s not as easy as it once was to suspend disbelief and let a story take you away when you’re aware of the writer at work, crafting the tale. Even in the books I love best, I can see some of the choices the writer made along… Continue reading The Winter Sea

In Search of Beauty

I’m on a punishing writing schedule this month. I’ll tell you about that sometime, but not today. Today, and yesterday too, to tell you the truth, the well is dry. The upside of writing hard is getting lots of words on paper. The downside is that if I’m not filling the well while I do… Continue reading In Search of Beauty

Choosing Happy

My name is Kathy, and I read romance. I read other stuff, too, but for the purposes of this post, I’m going to focus on the love story part of my insatiable reading habit. I’ve never picked up a traditional Harlequin category romance, I must admit, though I’m sure there are lots of great ones… Continue reading Choosing Happy

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